Full recovery from a Vasectomy takes about 4 weeks, however this should not be confused with successful removal of sperm from your semen. Initial recovery from the surgery should take a couple of days but it does not require an overnight stay, simply lots of rest. Most men go back to work after a few days although this depends entirely on the individual and of course, whether there were any complications.
Information about our vasectomy procedures, ensuring you feel fully informed and confident in your decision
Book An AppointmentGet In TouchFrequently asked questions
Will a vasectomy affect my sex life?
Absolutely not. A lot of rumours can be found surrounding a vasectomy including its effect on your sex life. Your sex drive is affected by a number of things including levels of testosterone, physical ability, medication and psychological factors.
A vasectomy stops sperm from entering the semen but does not stop or change testosterone levels. Very few man have ever reported any difference in their sex life and in most cases, this difference is due to secondary factors such as psychological problems following a vasectomy.
Some men worry that they will not be able to ejaculate anymore or it may not be satisfying to have sex but this is completely wrong. Sperm actually only makes up about 5% of semen so the fluid you ejaculate will look and feel exactly the same. The only thing that will be different is your ability to make your partner pregnant. Rather than dampen your sex drive and enjoyment, a lot of men actually report a better sex life post vasectomy! They attribute this to removing the fear of becoming pregnant, leaving them able to enjoy sex without worry. A good way of combating the possible psychological effects of feeling less manly or depressed at having lost fertility is to talk to your surgeon before the surgery so that you can come to terms with how you might feel afterwards. This way you will be mentally prepared for what is to come.
Will i still be able to ejaculate?
Yes, semen is made in the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. These are not affected by a vasectomy. Sperm make up only 2 to 5 per cent of the ejaculate so you will not be able to notice any difference in the volume of your ejaculate.
Can I exercise after my vasectomy?
We generally advise patients to avoid heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and contact sports for at least one to two weeks after the procedure. Swimming and running can usually be resumed after one week, but patients should avoid these physical activities if they cause discomfort.
Does vasectomy work straight away?
For many men, it takes about 12 weeks for sperm to disappear from semen. You shouldn’t notice any changes in your sex drive, sensation, or sexual experience following vasectomy.
What is the cost?
The cost of the procedure is £749, which includes the initial face-to-face consultation and semen analysis test which is carried out 16 weeks after the procedure.
If, after the initial consultation you decide not to go ahead with the procedure we will refund your fee, less the initial consultation fee of £75.
Most men will only require a single post-procedure semen test. However, if initial results are inconclusive and additional semen tests are required, this is included in the single fee you pay. In the unlikely event that the procedure is unsuccessful, we will redo the procedure free of charge.
Why should I book with Vasectomy North West?
The fee you see is the only fee you will pay. There are no hidden charges for repeated post-procedure testing and in the unlikely event that the procedure is not successful, we will redo the procedure itself absolutely free of charge.
Not all providers offer this, so please do check before booking elsewhere
How do I book?
Use the link above to book your preferred date for your initial face-to-face consultation. During that appointment, we will agree a convenient date for your procedure, which is usually within 1-3 weeks.